Card Reading Services Descriptions
What type of readings are offered ? How do I book a reading?
Readings offered below all have one thing in common, they will answer your question or questions. They differ only in how much information is being given out, not the quality of that information, even if you only need to know one question, I will make sure that question is answered completely and you gain peace of mind and get guided to the solution you seek. If you only need to know about one question you have, then the 1 question tarot reading is the way to go. If you need two questions answered, then you would book that particular reading and so forth. I have also included and offer a big spread that covers all of your questions and no additional purchase is necessary, for additional questions. The 1 question Yes or No, will do just that, answer you in a yes or no fashion, simple and to the point. Ready to book a Reading?

Lenormand Reading All aspects of Life
The General 36 card Spread or Grand Tableau with Lenormand cards and in conjunction with Oracle and Tarot ,is a full scope of your life, it is a general reading that shows every aspect of your life and situations. I will answer every question you have, no additional purchase necessary for questions you have as this is a full in depth reading.
Free Bonus: 5 Oracle cards at the end of reading
All card readings require your full name and date of birth are given to me before work can begin, as there may be many people with your same name.
Delivery of Reading # 1: Readings are-recorded from beginning ( Shuffling) to end (Explanation of reading)and sent to you via Dropbox within 48 hours from the reading's completion.
Delivery of Reading #2: If you prefer to only talk on the phone and discuss the reading, I will call you or message you as soon as I do the reading and go over the findings, but I will still have the video made and sent to you as proof of service completion and delivery.

Tarot Reading 1 Question
Do you have 1 specific question that needs answered? This spread will help you get that specific question you have answered completely. Any other questions that need answered will need to be purchased.
Free Bonus: 1 Oracle Card per reading done
All card readings require your full name and date of birth are given to me before work can begin, as there may be many people with your same name.
Delivery of Reading # 1: Readings are-recorded from beginning ( Shuffling) to end (Explanation of reading)and sent to you via Dropbox within 48 hours from the reading's completion.
Delivery of Reading #2: If you prefer to only talk on the phone and discuss the reading, I will call you or message you as soon as I do the reading and go over the findings, but I will still have the video made and sent to you as proof of service completion and delivery.

Tarot Card Reading 2,3,4,5,6 Questions
Do you have 2 0r more specific questions that need answered? I offer different services for the different amount of questions you may have. This spread will help you get those specific questions you have answered completely. Any other questions that need answered will need to be purchased.
Free Bonus: 2 Oracle Card per reading done
All card readings require your full name and date of birth are given to me before work can begin, as there may be many people with your same name.
Delivery of Reading # 1: Readings are-recorded from beginning ( Shuffling) to end (Explanation of reading)and sent to you via Dropbox within 48 hours from the reading's completion.
Delivery of Reading #2: If you prefer to only talk on the phone and discuss the reading, I will call you or message you as soon as I do the reading and go over the findings, but I will still have the video made and sent to you as proof of service completion and delivery.

Tarot Card Reading of 1 Question Yes or No
Do you have 1 specific question that needs answered in a Simple yes or no? This spread will help you get that yes or no accurately answered.Any other questions that need answered will need to be purchased.
Free Bonus: 1 Oracle Card per reading done
All card readings require your full name and date of birth are given to me before work can begin, as there may be many people with your same name.
Delivery of Reading # 1: Readings are-recorded from beginning ( Shuffling) to end (Explanation of reading)and sent to you via Dropbox within 48 hours from the reading's completion.
Delivery of Reading #2: If you prefer to only talk on the phone and discuss the reading, I will call you or message you as soon as I do the reading and go over the findings, but I will still have the video made and sent to you as proof of service completion and delivery.

Life Purpose Tarot Reading
Understanding our past life and the lessons we are meant to learn in this lifetime, may be tied together with what we are doing in life right now.
Free Bonus: 3 oracle cards at the end of reading
All card readings require your full name and date of birth are given to me before work can begin, as there may be many people with your same name.
Delivery of Reading # 1: Readings are-recorded from beginning ( Shuffling) to end (Explanation of reading)and sent to you via Dropbox within 48 hours from the reading's completion.
Delivery of Reading #2: If you prefer to only talk on the phone and discuss the reading, I will call you or message you as soon as I do the reading and go over the findings, but I will still have the video made and sent to you as proof of service completion and delivery.
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Tarot Card Reading for Spiritual Journey Guidance
These readings are special, as I use different decks in combination and can also add Lenormand or other systems to get a very clear answer and give you the best advise I can. These readings bring your guardian angels and spirit guides into the reading, to help you in those moments in life where you feel lost and need guidance in your spiritual journey.
Free Bonus: 3 Oracle cards at the end of reading
All card readings require your full name and date of birth are given to me before work can begin, as there may be many people with your same name.
Delivery of Reading # 1: Readings are-recorded from beginning ( Shuffling) to end (Explanation of reading)and sent to you via Dropbox within 48 hours from the reading's completion.
Delivery of Reading #2: If you prefer to only talk on the phone and discuss the reading, I will call you or message you as soon as I do the reading and go over the findings, but I will still have the video made and sent to you as proof of service completion and delivery.