About Us
Mary and Robert have been married for 14 beautiful years and have been practicing with the spiritual realm for a very long time. Mary is the Psychic Empath and the Witchcraft Practioner of the two. Robert is very spiritual, a and a true believer and has supported his wife in her awakening and spiritual journey, with pride and joy. Incantations N Divination is an extension of who they both are and a culmination of what they have learned along the way to help every single soul along the way.

Our Story
Our Story is one for the ages.
Incantations N Divination is ran an operated solely by me, Mary and my husband Robert is the reason I am able to do this, as he is my greatest support system. We met when we were very young and got married 6 months after we met. It has now been 14 years and growing stronger everyday, as it is with every soulmate connection.
My awakening was one that I saw coming, but feared, as many of you may also relate to. I was in Nursing School and even though it was a prestigious place to be in my life, I was very unhappy of where my professional life was going, because I felt something was missing. But like it happens, it was the door that I needed to walk into to finally embrace who I truly was. It all happened so fast and I couldn't turn back. Patients that I was taking care of were extremely depressed and sad, I could feel their pain and I could almost read their minds. I couldn't focus or do my job, because I was carrying all the emotions from them all. I finally decided to see a Man who I consider my Mentor and he told me why it was all happening. I had a gift or Don, he called me a natural witch. He said along my life I had always had different entities with me and I just ignored it. However, Spirit did not and always followed me. At the time of seeing my mentor, I had 6 spirits with me, all needing my help and they were the ones causing all the paranormal activity in my home. That was their way of reaching out to me and in my dreams. My mentor told me, I wouldn't be able to escape my journey in life and if I embraced it, my life would change. He was absolutely correct.
The rest is history, I have been on this path for many years now and have loved every single part of it. I learned what I could and practiced relentlessly to master my craft. I have been helping people of all walks of life for years, just not in a public way, like I am now, but I decided it was time to change that. That in turn lead to finally starting my business and here I am.
Robert, my husband is the reason and my reason and motivation to always be better and do better. He is a true believer of the spiritual realm and has had his own experiences with the spiritual world.
I hope you come to me with your spiritual needs. I will work hard and relentlessly to make your journey in life a fruitful one, because I work for and in the name of a higher being, always in the light.